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To purchase your Questionnaire, follow these steps:

  1. Provide your name, gender, ethnicity, age, education and country of origin information. Then click on "Continue."
  2. On the next page, click the orange "Buy Now" button and input your payment information on the following page. Then click on the "Review Order and Continue" button.
  3. Once PayPal processes your purchase (in seconds), a "thank you for your payment" message will appear on your screen. Now simply click on the "Return to SelfAwareness LLC" link and you will return to the SelfAwareness website where you can select and begin your Questionnaire.
  4. You can purchase one Questionnaire at a time but you can repeat this process as many times as you'd like.
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To proceed with your Questionnaire purchase, please enter the information below. When you have entered all the information, click on the "Continue" button.

Name :
Gender : Select Gender Male Female
Ethnicity : Select an Option White Black Hispanic Native American Asian Pacific Islander Other
Age :
Education : Select Education Level: Not Applicable Home Schooled 8th grade or less Some High School High school graduate Some college College graduate Professional/Graduate degree
Country : United States Australia Brazil Canada China England France Germany India Ireland Mexico New Zealand South Africa

If, after this purchase, you would like to purchase another questionnaire, simply return to this "To Purchase Questionnaire's" page and input your information a second time. You will go through the same PayPal purchase procedure. You may repeat this process as many times as you wish, there is no limit to the number of Questionnaire's you can purchase.

No decisions, diagnosis or act should be based solely on these reports. Furthermore, therapies can be culture bound, in that they reflect the values and standards of a particular culture. If you have questions, ask your local doctor or mental health professional for guidance.

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